Why Your Next Auto Loan Should Be From Us
If you’re in the market for a new or pre-owned vehicle, then Allegius can not only help you with the financing part but now we can help you do your research! We can help you every step of the way to get the car you want at the best price with the best financing.
Rate – We have rates and terms that can fit your budget. You can even get pre-approved.
Affordability – Know what your payments will be by getting a pre-approval at Allegius BEFORE you go to the dealers. You have the purchasing power at your finger-tips!
Convenience – No need to make your car purchasing process take all day by sitting in the dealer’s office negotiating and reviewing financing options. Come to us first to set you up for a speedy process to be driving your new ride.
How Do You Negotiate With a Car Dealer?

Know Your Numbers to Get a Fair Deal

Be Careful with Your Words

Start Slow, Because It's Easier to Negotiate Up Than Down

Stand Firm on Negotiating Just the Price of the Car